I look forward to spring all winter. Don't get me wrong, I love that we have four distinct seasons, but winter is my least favorite, despite its white beauty and my winterphilic fiance and dog. With a bit of time between clients and my running class, I took the opportunity to do some work outside and fully soak in the suddenly summerlike weather that has graced us the past few days.
The balsam root are coming into bloom, the hillsides are greening, and the trails are snowfree (well at least some). We're getting excited to put in some longer training runs, and share our favorites at the spring camp. Details are coming together, including shwag. To sweeten the deal, we're now offering a $25 discount if you bring a friend. Everything is more fun with friends, especially training! We also have options for taking part in part of the weekend; let us know if you're interested.
Nikki isn't sure about the warmer weather, but she loves the longer runs. Happy spring!